Survivors Guide to Insurance
FREE eBook - "Survivors Guide to Insurance" Arm yourself with the knowledge and wisdom of previous survivors.
Personal Property Inventory Help
FREE Personal Property Inventory Spreadsheet with over 3,500 sample items for help with your claim.
Disaster Tax Information
FREE handout prepared by a CPA who specializes in preparing income tax returns for disaster survivors.
Since 1993
Who is CARe?
CARe is short for Community Assisting REcovery. Our mission is to provide free comprehensive information about disaster recovery, including the insurance claim process, to disaster survivors so they may effectively reestablish their homes, lives and communities.
Why we're needed
Navigating the maze of recovery is an overwhelming task to many survivors. We help ease that burden by educating people so they can help themselves through the process.
Our Experience
All CARe volunteers and staff have lost their homes and successfully recovered from fire or earthquake disasters. They've been there and understand the needs of disaster survivors. It is the passion for "paying it forward" that draws survivors back to our organization to help survivors of the next disaster.

Next Steps...
Download our free eBook to get the information you need to recover. We also have a Personal Property Inventory Sample and information on Income Taxes following a disaster.